The recent victories of the left in a number of municipalities and in elections for the Constitutional Convention have set the stage for a categorical rejection of the legacy of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship and the building of a new Chile.
Continue readingPeace in Colombia Should Mean Land Reform and an End to Hunger
The accords put in place a plan for integrated agrarian reform and democracy, as well as restitution for the victims of the long war.
Continue readingWhy Delivery Workers Across the Planet Are Rising Up Against Exploitation
Even before the crisis of the pandemic, food delivery companies have seen their profits skyrocket while their so-called “self-employed” workers suffer rights violations and were banned from unionizing.
Continue readingMigrant Women Are Holding Society Together During This Pandemic
The social impact of lockdowns has unequally been borne by women, with many having to leave the workforce due to mounting pressure of looking after families and home schooling of children.
Continue readingWhy the U.S. and Its Allies Are Stupid to Turn COVID-19 Vaccination Into a Geopolitical Power Play
The COVID-19 pandemic demands that all nations cooperate to vaccinate the entire global population—a goal that can’t be achieved using the usual rules of which countries win and which ones lose.
Continue readingOverthrowing Democratic Governments Is Practically an American Tradition
On September 15, 1970, U.S. President Richard Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger authorized the U.S. government to do everything possible to undermine the incoming government of the socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende.
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