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Pavan Kulkarni

Writing for Globetrotter since 2020
Pavan Kulkarni is a journalist currently working with Peoples Dispatch and Newsclick who covers labor struggles and progressive social movements, mainly on the African continent, but also in India. He has also written articles on international trade and geopolitics, some of which have been republished in the Monthly Review. He is the author of a series of in-depth articles on the history of India’s Hindu far-right and its ideology, which have appeared in the Wire. Previously, as a city-based reporter in Bangalore, he has written in Citizen Matters on local issues, including investigative reports exposing corrupt land deals and medical malpractice.
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Pavan Kulkarni

Pavan Kulkarni is a journalist currently working with Peoples Dispatch and Newsclick who covers labor struggles and progressive social movements, mainly on the African continent, but also in India. He has also written articles on international trade and geopolitics, some of which have been republished in the Monthly Review. He is the author of a series of in-depth articles on the history of India’s Hindu far-right and its ideology, which have appeared in the Wire. Previously, as a city-based reporter in Bangalore, he has written in Citizen Matters on local issues, including investigative reports exposing corrupt land deals and medical malpractice.



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