Roger McKenzie
Writing for Globetrotter since 2022
Roger McKenzie is the international editor of the Morning Star newspaper in the UK. Follow Roger on twitter on @RogerAMck. Roger has many years of experience at the most senior levels of the trade union movement in the UK where he served for more than a decade as assistant general secretary of Unison, the country’s largest union. Roger was also a member of the Trades Union Congress General Council. He previously worked as a regional secretary in the Midlands for the TUC where he led the response of the unions to the closure of the MG Rover Task force when the Longbridge plant was closed and 6000 jobs were lost overnight. Roger has a long record of anti-racist activity including leading the Labour Party Black Sections and the Anti Racist Alliance. He is a member of the Communist Party of Britain and the National Union of Journalists.
Roger McKenzie is the international editor of the Morning Star newspaper in the UK. Follow Roger on twitter on @RogerAMck. Roger has many years of experience at the most senior levels of the trade union movement in the UK where he served for more than a decade as assistant general secretary of Unison, the country’s largest union. Roger was also a member of the Trades Union Congress General Council. He previously worked as a regional secretary in the Midlands for the TUC where he led the response of the unions to the closure of the MG Rover Task force when the Longbridge plant was closed and 6000 jobs were lost overnight. Roger has a long record of anti-racist activity including leading the Labour Party Black Sections and the Anti Racist Alliance. He is a member of the Communist Party of Britain and the National Union of Journalists.
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